Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dailies: 8/20/11 (420/42 AP)

Boat Name Daily Name AP
Perilous Ruins Gwynn's Request 35
Hoarfrost Hollow Kobold Chief 50
Ainle Hell Beyond the Door 30
Prairie Entrance The Fleeing Gnoll King 50
Ruins of Sanctity Ruins of Sanctity 40
Hoarfrost Depths Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames 45
Hilder Forest Ruins Habitat for Wild Plants 40
Fomorian Base The Investigation 40
Sewers Pretty Green Beetle 40
Ortel Castle Blade of Silence 50

Total AP: 420
Average AP: 42

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dailies: 8/19/11 (380/38 AP)

Boat Name Daily Name AP
Perilous Ruins Friends? 30
Hoarfrost Hollow Frost Stones 40
Ainle Piercing the Crescent Moon 30
Prairie Entrance Prairie Gnoll 40
Ruins of Sanctity Goliath 35
Hoarfrost Depths Yeti King 50
Hilder Forest Ruins Investigation 40
Fomorian Base Buried Sorrow 45
Sewers Ambush 30
Ortel Castle The Inverse Blade 40

Total AP: 380
Average AP: 38

(Posted on 8/20/11)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dailies: 8/18/11 (405/40.5 AP)

Boat Name Daily Name AP
Perilous Ruins Gwynn's Request 35
Hoarfrost Hollow Another Slingshot 30
Ainle Blood Prince 50
Prairie Entrance Prairie Entrance 35
Ruins of Sanctity Gnoll King, Ruler of the Ruins 45
Hoarfrost Depths Patrolling the Depths 30
Hilder Forest Ruins Forest Ruins 40
Fomorian Base The Investigation 40
Sewers Strong Drink 50
Ortel Castle Blade of Silence 50

Total AP: 405
Average AP: 40.5

(Posted on 8/20/11)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dailies: 8/17/11 (355/35.5 AP)

Boat Name Daily Name AP
Perilous Ruins Decisive Battle 50
Hoarfrost Hollow Hoarfrost Hollow 20
Ainle A Town Engulfed 20
Prairie Entrance Prairie Entrance 35
Ruins of Sanctity Red Archer 35
Hoarfrost Depths Snowman Alert 30
Hilder Forest Ruins Investigation 40
Fomorian Base Buried Sorrow 45
Sewers Sewers 30
Ortel Castle Blade of Silence 50

Total AP: 335
Average AP: 37.22

(Posted on 8/20/11)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dailies: 8/16/11 (420/42 AP)

Boat Name Daily Name AP
Perilous Ruins Revenge 50
Hoarfrost Hollow Frost Stones 40
Ainle Ulchas's Relic 35
Prairie Entrance Prairie Entrance 35
Ruins of Sanctity Ruins of Sanctity 40
Hoarfrost Depths Yeti King 50
Hilder Forest Ruins Habitat for Wild Plants 40
Fomorian Base Contact 40
Sewers Pretty Green Beetle 40
Ortel Castle Blade of Silence 50

Total AP: 420
Average AP: 42

(Posted on 8/20/11)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dailies: 8/15/11 (355/35.5 AP)

Boat Name Daily Name AP
Perilous Ruins Fomorian Emblem 30
Hoarfrost Hollow Another Slingshot 30
Ainle Remnants 35
Prairie Entrance Red Archer 35
Ruins of Sanctity The Fleeing Gnoll King 50
Hoarfrost Depths Patrolling the Depths 30
Hilder Forest Ruins Beginning of the Memory 30
Fomorian Base Gremlin Lair 45
Sewers Ambush 30
Ortel Castle The Inverse Blade 40

Total AP: 355
Average AP: 35.5

(Posted on 8/20/11)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dailies: 8/14/11 (395/39.5 AP)

Boat Name Daily Name AP
Perilous Ruins Gwynn's Request 35
Hoarfrost Hollow Brynn's Research 40
Ainle Ulchas's Relic 35
Prairie Entrance The Fleeing Gnoll King 50
Ruins of Sanctity Goliath 35
Hoarfrost Depths Snowman Alert 30
Hilder Forest Ruins Beginning of the Memory 30
Fomorian Base Contact 40
Sewers Strong Drink 50
Ortel Castle Blade of Silence 50

Total AP: 395
Average AP: 39.5